We're excited to hear about your interest in our school. We look forward to meeting you and your little learner. Before proceeding, please see some important details regarding enrollment with our school.
Toddler Time:
Are you a parent looking for part time socialization options for your young learner? Toddler Time is just the way to get started. This class is a drop in class catered to students ages 18 months to 48 months. Drop your child off as needed so they can begin to enjoy the world around them. This service is offered on a first come, first served basis to all BTBA registered families. This class is only offered Monday through Thursday from 9am to 1pm.
Toddler Academy:
A fun filled, active class seeking young, independent learners who are between the ages of 18 months and 36 months looking to engage in a fun loving, social, school like setting. This classroom is hosted part time from 8am to 4pm and consists of 6 students to every one teacher.
Students in this classroom should be able to do the following:
Walk independently
Follow simple directions
Follow a daily routine
Drink independently from a cup
Eat independently from a spoon
Fall asleep with minimal assistance
Showing an interest in potty training
Wear uniforms daily
Pre-K Prep:
An academically focused classroom catering to learners 37 months to 52 months old who are ready to go beyond the books figuratively and literally. This class seeks to provide well rounded experiences and learning opportunities to all registered families. Families enrolled in this class will be challenged to complete monthly projects, explore their community and participate in quarterly literacy nights.
Students in this class should be able to do the following:
Use the bathroom independently (100% potty trained)
Be able to receive academic instruction for 7-10 minutes at a time
Show an interest in learning about the world around them
Eat and drink independently
Follow simple directions
Follow a daily routine
Uses their words to communicate their feelings, emotions and needs
Wear uniforms daily